Email Quotes and Inclusion Conventions
Early mail and netnews readers had no facility for including messages this way, so people had to paste in copy manually. BSD Mail(1) was the first message agent to support inclusion, and early Usenetters emulated its style. But the TAB character tended ...
Read moreVans Syndicate x Slam City Skates
The 23rd release from Vans Syndicate is a collaboration with Slam City Skates. We received some pairs a little ahead of their release. This meant there was time for a bit of road testing, this edit is the result of a few days spent cruising around the City ...
Read moreA beautiful Flickr gallery by Daniel Zedda
Ethnic. Spicy. Oriental, esp. Chinese and most esp. Szechuan, Hunan, and Mandarin (hackers consider Cantonese vaguely déclassé). Hackers prefer the exotic; for example, the Japanese-food fans among them will eat with gusto such delicacies as fugu (poisonous pufferfish) and whale. Thai food has experienced flurries of ...
Read moreA quote by Andrew Binstock
The net effect shows that the forces of capitalism are much like those of evolution: the fittest survive.
Andrew Binstock, 1994
Lord Huron - The Stranger, out now on Soundcloud
Time To Run is the new debut EP from rising LA pop experimentalists Lord Huron, to be released 8 October through Play It Again Sam. A joyous collision of Appalachian percussion, calypso guitars and infectious Western melodies, it's the sound of a band with ...
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Sussman attains enlightenment
This profile reflects detailed comments on an earlier ‘trial balloon’ version from about a hundred Usenet respondents. Where comparatives arevt used, the implicit ‘other’ is a randomly selected segment of the non-hacker population of thevt same size as ...
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Physical Activity and Sports
Some hobbies are widely shared and recognized as going with the culture: science fiction, music, medievalism (in the active form practiced by the Society for Creative Anachronism and similar organizations), chess, go, backgammon, wargames, and ...
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